Department of tourism
Publikováno: 27. 3. 2023 12:54
Autor: Ing. Ivica Linderová, PhD.

International workshops

Tourism is an increasingly important activity in the global economy. Changes in this sector call for a flexible response from schools that teach tourism. It is important that students have as many opportunities as possible to experience the industry from different perspectives and to have the opportunity to exchange experiences. One such opportunity is the organisation of international student workshops with partner universities. In this respect, the Department of Tourism of the University of Applied Sciences has long been cooperating with the Fachhochschule für Management und Kommunikation in Vienna (FHWien) and with the Uzhorod National University (Uzhhorod National University).

Photos from the workshops can be previewed in the photo gallery of the Department of Tourism.

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Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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