Department of tourism
Publikováno: 4. 3. 2025 10:30
Autor: Kateřina Krejčí

International Guides Day

Saturday 22 February 2025

On Saturday, February 22, 2025, the International Day of Guides took place in Jihlava. This time, our Department of Tourism teamed up with the Secondary School of Economics and Tourism (ŠECR) to once again commemorate this globally significant day. International Guides' Day always falls on the third weekend of February, when the World Federation of Tourist Guides (WFTGA) was founded in 1985. A morning children's tour and two traditional afternoon tours for adult participants were offered to interested participants through our CK VŠPJ (led by O. Pařízek). The route led from VŠPJ through Smetana's Orchards past the Church of the Holy Spirit to the Ježek Brewery, then to Gustav Mahler Park and Minority Square. Along the way, the participants also climbed the historic Gate of the Mother of God with a nice view of the city. Next, the route took us past several historic houses to Masaryk Square. Thanks to the close cooperation with the Gate of Jihlava, each tour ended with a great expert commentary in the splendid bourgeois Silver House, reflecting the wealth of the city during the Jihlava Silver Rush. Over 80 people took the tour with us throughout the day and we would like to thank them for their support and active participation. And the students from ŠECR for guiding (Adéla Gregorová, Tereza Lorencová, Nguyen P. Linh, Adéla Veselá under the guidance of Mrs. M. Bočková), as well as the students from VŠPJ (Veronika Severová, Jana Kubečková, Klára Mašterová, Barbora Moravcová under the guidance of Mrs. M. Drašarová) for moderating and documenting the whole event held under the auspices of the Association of Guides of the Czech Republic. We are looking forward to the next edition together with you!



Saturday, February 24, 2024

On Saturday, 24 February 2024, the International Day of Guides was held in Jihlava. Our department was happy to once again participate in this event, which offered not only a children's tour, but also the traditional tour for adults. The whole event was in cooperation with the Museum of Highlands Jihlava, the Association of Guides of the Czech Republic and the Gate of Jihlava, p. o. Many thanks to our great team of guides: Natalia Nevěčná, who started the tour in Gustav Mahler Park; Žaneta Spilková, who introduced us to the Jihlava Synagogue and Masaryk Square; Veronika Severová, who guided us through the Gate of the Mother of God, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Minorite Square; Magdalena Malchárková, who introduced us to the city's historical fortifications and the City Hall; and Jana Kubečková and her interpretation of the Church of St. She also gave a presentation about the Jihlava underground. Thanks also to Ondřej Pařízek and Martina Drašarová for their excellent role as organizers and to Marketa Švecová who documented the afternoon's performance. 34 visitors joined us for the morning tour and 57 visitors for the afternoon tour.

Photo Gallery


Saturday, February 11, 2023

On the occasion of the International Guides' Day, the Department of Tourism of the University of Jihlava realized guided tours of the historical centre of Jihlava. The event was held in cooperation with the School of Economics and Tourism Jihlava and the organization Brána Jihlavy, p.o., under the auspices of the Association of Guides of the Czech Republic. The role of guides was played by students of both participating schools. During the tours, the participants climbed the Gate of the Mother of God and visited several Jihlava churches. The unconventional journey through the streets of Jihlava ended at the Jihlava Town Hall, where the participants could also see its interior. Despite the freezing weather, more than fifty people took advantage of this unique opportunity to get to know the sights of the historic centre better.



Saturday, February 26, 2022

On Saturday, February 26, 2022, our department successfully joined the International Guide Day for the sixth time. The event was held under the auspices of the Association of Guides of the Czech Republic, our partners are ŠECR Jihlava and Brána Jihlavy, p.o. Last year, due to Covid, the tours were held only virtually, this year we are building on last year's edition and due to the great interest we have increased the capacity of the tours and added to the classic tour and a special tour for children in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in ul. Mother of God. Participants of this tour will see, for example, the paradise courtyard and will also have a look into the Minorite monastery. As part of the children's tour and the classic tour, entry to the Gate of Our Lady is arranged. The last tour at 13:00 included a visit to the town hall at the end. This year, the role of guides was played by students of Tourism at the University of Applied Sciences and the ŠECR Jihlava, and for the special tour the academic painter Mr. Netolička. The tours took place at 10:00 a.m. (children's and special tours) and at 1:00 p.m. and the participants met in front of the VŠPJ Learning Centre, the only exception was the special tour, where the participants met at the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Mother of God Street. The route of the classical and children's tours led from the VŠPJ to Gustav Mahler Park, then to the Gate of the Mother of God (including the climb up the gate), to the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, from where we walked through the walled parkland to the Church of St. James the Greater. The tour ended at Masaryk Square. A surprise for our students - guides and visitors was the presence of Czech Radio and Czech Television on the tour for children.



Sunday 21 February 2021

The Department of Tourism of the Polytechnic University of Jihlava joins the celebration of the International Guides Day for the fifth time. Due to the restrictions adopted in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, this year we are celebrating in a different way than usual. We invite everyone to virtual tour of Jihlava, which will be guided by students of the Tourism Program of the University of Applied Sciences and students of the Secondary School of Economics and Tourism Jihlava.


Saturday 22 February 2020

On Saturday, 22 February 2020, the celebration of the International Day of Tour Guides took place with great attention of the general public in Jihlava, which our university successfully joined for the fourth time thanks to the staff of the Department of Tourism. The event is organized in cooperation with the Association of Guides of the Czech Republic and the Statutory City of Jihlava. Almost 200 people took part in three guided tours of the Polytechnic College Jihlava, mainly focused on the reconstructed north wing of the main building. The newly built modern teaching centre with a lecture hall for 340 people was also very popular. The tour of our university was followed by free guided tours of the historical centre of Jihlava with the possibility to visit e.g. the Gate of the Mother of God, Gustav Mahler's House or the Jihlava Town Hall. The International Guides' Day itself falls on 21 February. The World Federation of Tourist Guides (WFTGA) was founded on this day in 1985. Various events, usually free of charge, organised by tourist guides are held here and abroad to celebrate the event. Cities across the continents are involved, including 15 cities from our country. Our university has been joining the celebrations since 2017. The tours took place at 10:00, 12:00 and 14:00 and the participants always met in the lobby of the College of Applied Sciences. The tour from 10:00 was mainly for families with children and lasted approximately 1.5 hours. The route led from the VŠPJ - Gustav Mahler Park - Gate of the Mother of God (including the climb to the gate) - Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - city fortifications - Church of St. James the Greater - Masaryk Square. The tour from 2 pm had a similar route as the previous tour. Instead of visiting the Gate of the Mother of God, participants who had registered in advance had the opportunity to visit the Jihlava City Hall and the Gustav Mahler House. The tour from 12 pm was intended for those interested in a detailed interpretation of the history of culture and lasted about 3 hours. The route led again from the University of Applied Sciences - Church of the Holy Spirit - Gustav Mahler Park - Gate of the Mother of God - city fortifications - Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary - Church of St. James the Greater - Masaryk Square - Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross - Jihlava's covered courtyard - Gustav Mahler House.

Photo Gallery


Saturday 23 February 2019

Under the auspices of the Association of Tour Guides of the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Statutory City of Jihlava, the Jihlava Polytechnic College organized free tours of Jihlava for the general public.

This was the 3rd year of guided tours prepared by the Department of Tourism of the VŠPJ within the framework of the International Guides Day.

The event took place on Saturday, 23 February 2019. This important day was celebrated with three guided tours of Jihlava, including a visit to the Gate of the Mother of God, the Jihlava Underground and the Jihlava Collectors. The first tour in the morning was aimed at children, who were given playing cards at the beginning of the route and filled in the cards based on the information they received. At the end of the tour, everyone was rewarded for correct answers with small gifts with the VŠPJ logo. The next two tours took place in the afternoon. The first afternoon tour included a visit to the underground and the second one included a visit to the Jihlava Collectors. From the reactions of the participants it was possible to conclude that they found both tours very interesting. We said goodbye to the last participants of the guided tours of Jihlava and to the celebration of the International Guides' Day around 6 pm in the school building.
We would like to thank the management of the Information Centre and the city of Jihlava for allowing us free access to selected monuments, which made the programme of guided tours through the regional city of Jihlava more varied.





Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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