Department of tourism
Publikováno: 27. 6. 2024 01:49
Autor: Kateřina Krejčí


Curriculum and its structure

Total study load (180 credits) students will fulfill with compulsory courses (146 credits total), elective courses (30 credits total, of which languages account for at least 16 credits) and elective courses (of their choice, at least 4 credits).

Curriculum applicable to students who began their studies in ZS 2024/2025

Required Items

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Principles of Tourism, Tourism Service Theory, Marketing, Management, Accommodation Management, Travel Agency Management, Destination Management, Business Economics 1, Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Principles of Financial Accounting, Law, Academic Writing, Communication and Presentation Skills, English Language, Cultural Heritage, Tourism Geography of the Czech Republic, Tourism Geography of the World, Sustainable Tourism, Introduction to Tour Guiding, Field Trip, Information Systems and Smart Technologies in Tourism, Seminar for Bachelor Thesis, Internship.

Mandatory Electives

The student has a choice of three blocks of required electives.

  • Block 1 - Languages: NJ, RJ, SJ
  • .
  • Block 2 - Traffic: Hospitality Management, Tour Guide Methodology, Municipal and Regional Policy in Tourism, Planning and Regional Development in Tourism, Project Management in Tourism, International Tourism
  • .
  • Block 3 - Economics and Management:Taxes, Business Economics 2, Human Resource Management, Management Simulation Games
  • .

For compulsory electives, the student must earn a minimum of 30 credits during the course of study. In doing so, the student shall choose at least one foreign language from the second foreign language offer in each semester except the sixth semester. For the second foreign language, the student must earn a minimum of 16 credits for the entire period of study.

In addition, the student chooses a course from the offerings that broadens and deepens the knowledge acquired in the required courses, namely:

  • at least one subject from the Tourism group,
  • at least one course from the Economics and Management group.

selectable items

Offering electives allows for the expansion of knowledge and skills in relation to the core curriculum.

Animation in Tourism, Business Solution - Practical Applications, International Business Week, Spa and Wellness Management, Mathematics Seminar, Entrepreneurship of the Individual, Microeconomics Rehearsal, Law in Tourism, Social and Management Skills Training, Introduction to Accounting.

Foreign Language Education

The student is required to take two foreign language courses.

  • Foreign Language 1: Mandatory for all students - English
  • Foreign Language 2: Choice of German, Spanish, Russian

Additional languages may be enrolled as electives according to the student's interest and current offerings.

Subjects in a foreign language

Full-time students are obliged by the Study and Examination Regulations of the VŠPJ to study one of their courses in a foreign language. The Department of Tourism currently offers foreign language courses in English:

Animation in Tourism, Background Studies of the Czech Republic, Digitization in Cultural Tourism, History of the Czech Republic, Intercultural Communication, Planning and Regional Development of Tourism, Practical Training in Tourism.

In addition, students can choose from a wide range of foreign language courses sponsored by other departments of the VŠPJ. These courses are listed in the recommended curriculum: presence form, combined form studios.

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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