Department of tourism
Publikováno: 27. 6. 2024 01:49
Autor: Kateřina Krejčí


Degree Program Characteristics

Standard length of study 6 semesters, graduation with a B.Sc.

Study programme guarantor: Ing. Ivica Linderová, PhD.

The basic aim of the study is to provide a practically oriented economically oriented bachelor's education, and thus to make the graduates ready to perform professional activities in middle management of operational, personnel, organizational and financial areas in tourism organizations and in public administration. The curriculum is designed so that the graduate can be immediately placed in practice, but also allows gifted students to continue in similarly oriented follow-up master's programs.

Emphasis is placed on systematic cooperation with the application sphere and on the inclusion of experts from practice in teaching to ensure the strengthening of the currently required knowledge and skills of students with regard to the needs of the market and future employers. The orientation of the professionally oriented Tourism programme is also determined by the compulsory work experience of a total duration of 14 weeks, during which the student verifies and extends his/her theoretical knowledge and practical skills and thus gains practical experience necessary for his/her further development. The school travel agency is also used for this purpose.

The study programme Tourism has a tradition at the VŠPJ and has been taught since 2005. Over 2300 students have successfully completed their studies during its existence.

The Tourism graduate will find employment in both private and public sector organisations. The student is prepared for professions mainly at the middle management level in operational, organisational, personnel and financial departments. In the private sector, they will find employment in various types of companies operating in the tourism sector, in the public sector in institutions at all levels of public administration. Graduates can also find employment in non-profit organizations (both state and non-state).

Graduate Profile

A graduate acquires and demonstrates knowledge of:

  • key economic concepts and categories and the connections between them in the context of major economic theories and schools of economics
  • .
  • key terms and contexts in tourism
  • .
  • financial and accounting issues in general
  • .
  • basic mathematical and statistical methods useful in the processing of economic data
  • .
  • legislative framework for the operation of economic legal entities, including the tax framework and accounting data capture methods
  • .
  • legislative framework in relation to its narrower profile (operation of typical tourism businesses - travel agency, accommodation and hospitality)
  • current management approaches, corporate activities
  • .
  • tools and technologies (IT) typically used in tourism businesses
  • .
  • relevant for preparation for managerial roles; also knowledge of the broader context and impacts of economic activity and sustainable development principles
  • .
  • in the field of regional development
  • .

Absolvent has the following skills:

  • plan operational and tactical activities in a hotel operation, travel agency including product costing
  • .
  • analyze the prerequisites for tourism development of the destination, propose options for sustainable tourism development of the destination
  • assess and analyze the impact of the economic situation on the business
  • .
  • develop a marketing research plan and implement it
  • .
  • develop a business plan
  • .
  • apply basic human resource management tools
  • .
  • use information technology and software support for organizational, presentation and analytical work
  • .
  • basic mathematical and statistical analysis
  • .

More information on the program

Tourism program study is completed with a state examination of the study program and defense of the bachelor thesis - see menu for more information State Final Exams.

Teaching is provided by academic staff of the department, external teachers from other universities and experts from practice. The department cooperates with similar departments in the Czech Republic and abroad and participates in providing domestic and foreign internships for students.

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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